Connect mind,
body and

Hi, I'm Narelle Ward.

I am a Functional Kinesiologist with an Advanced Diploma in Functional Energetic Kinesiology from O’Neill Kinesiologist College in Perth, Western Australia.

At the age of 40, my life took an unexpected turn when I suffered a stroke. The impact was profound - I lost cognitive functions, struggled with speech, memory, and focus, and my nervous system was stuck in a state of fight or flight. My confidence and self-esteem plummeted, and I found myself battling depression.
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While traditional therapies played a role in my recovery, it was kinesiology, that truly transformed my healing journey. My journey into the world of holistic health began in my early 20s when I was living in the UK. It was there that I encountered a Seitai Practitioner, a specialist in Japanese energetic work, who introduced me to the power of muscle testing and alternative healing. This experience sparked a deep fascination with wellness and set me on a path that I would revisit many years later.

Kinesiology helped me rebuild not only my cognitive functions but also my connection to my mind, body, and energetic self. Through this process, I discovered a renewed passion for life and a desire to help others navigate their own challenges. I believe in the power of kinesiology to support individuals through the turbulence of life, just as it supported me. My personal experience, combined with professional training, allows me to guide others toward healing and self-discovery with empathy and expertise.
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Emotional imbalances

Digestive issues

Hormonal imbalances

Learning issues

Immune function

Nutritional imbalances

Respiratory issues

Physical pain

Skin conditions

Sleep challenges

Musculoskeletal complaints

Physical coordination

What will the appointment look like / What to expect?

We’ll begin with a chat about your goals and what you’d like to focus on. When you're ready, you can lie down on the table. I’ll use muscle biofeedback to translate your inner experience by gently checking how your muscles respond using light pressure on your arm. Throughout the session, I’ll press, hold, or pulse different acupoints on the body, guiding the process as it unfolds naturally. The experience is entirely passive for you, allowing the session to flow based on what arises.

Whats involved in the session / touch?

Each session is unique. Different emotions or thoughts may surface, and some people prefer to talk, while others like to relax. The choice is yours. I use a variety of techniques including sound, acupressure, energy work, and flower essences.

What to wear / what to bring?

Wear something comfortable, preferably warm. Your body temperature might drop when we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, so feel free to bring cosy socks. Don’t worry if you forget—I’ve got blankets and bolsters on hand.

How to prepare

First time with kinesiology or with me? Every practitioner works a bit differently. I recommend coming with a simple intention, like why you're here today, how you want to feel, or identifying a current stressor.


Following your appointment, different sensations might arise depending on the areas we’ve focused on. It’s best to have a relaxed day afterward. Drink water, take a gentle walk, spend time in nature, or journal. You’re welcome to check in with me the next day if needed.

The Power of Intention

Setting an intention helps guide the session toward your goals. Together, we’ll work to align and balance your body and mind.